Rating: 4/5
We all love life! We want to govern it as per our whims and fancies. Any impediment in the smooth trajectory of our dominance brings forth dejection, aberration of emotions and a faith dilapidated by the harsh gust of wind. Kazuo Ishiguro presents a story ineluctably written about predispositions of life, and how faith can conceive the improbable.
Klara, the protagonist, brings the indomitable faith back to meadows where lush green grass sprouts to veil the disenchanted spirit of hopelessness and gloom. The book, “Klara and the Sun,” holds the plot convincingly manoeuvring through pile of human emotions, vindicating the egomaniacal therapies humans resort to their advantage.
Klara is different and so is her interpretation of human emotions and Kazuo Ishiguro gives her the nobility of an “Artificial Friend,” to herd as a companion to Josie. Klara is more than a friend—a conscientious care taker, a confidante, and a believer in faith of her belief. We all know faith is abstract and is cultivated in our spirit to seek refuge in the identity we trust the most. Klara takes her energy from the Sun and has faith in it to turn the tumultuous tide Josie is riding on. We have the mother who adores Josie but is reckless and furtive in her decisions, and Rick who gives his heart and soul to see Josie out of the woods fine.