The Sun, stark in its enduranceAbsorbs the abundance of ‘Fiery’, The Moon surfaces a pleasurable ‘Ego’Thinks it subsumes the charm of priory, a cappella, The Stars form a firework of disenchanting ‘Lust’Sidereal in their proximity, not to trust, The Clouds in the ‘Greed’ to expand its unionCastle a cumulonimbus of delusion, The proclivity to ‘Attachment’ […]

Killingly by Katharine Beutner

Sunaina Luthra ON  Jan 17, 2024, IN BOOK REVIEW, Killingly by Katharine Beutner– Fiction Rating: 3/5 Bertha Lane Mellish , a bright and medical aspirant at Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass is missing since chilly night of 18th November 1897leaving no trace. Anybody who finds the girl alive will be handsomely  paid a reward of $500 dollars by Rev. John  H Mellish […]

Modi And India: 2024 and the Battle for Bharat by Rahul Shivshankar and Siddhartha Talya

Harsimran Kaur ON  Dec 27, 2023, IN BOOK REVIEW, Modi And India: 2024 and the Battle for Bharat By Rahul Shivshankar and Siddhartha Talya–Non Fiction Rating: 4/5 Prime Minister Narendra Modi has dived deep into the river with his win in the state elections 2023 in the ‘Hindi Heartland’; he has come to afloat with a rather brimming swim to the shore. […]