By Sunaina Luthra
In the humdrum of our busy lives
I seek a sanctuary where tranquility thrives
Mindfulness like a gentle breeze
To keep me at ease.
When mind burns with cacophony of conflicting thoughts
Positive and negative twirl in an inextricable knot
A storm brews yearning unwind
From the relentless daily grind
In the pandemonium of heart when emotions collide
A snide whisper of joy and sorrow intertwines
The only resort is a walk amidst nature’s serenity
To clear my mind and discover new identity
When stuck in cannonade of duties and desires
Soaring expectations transpire
I yearn for waves soothing embrace
Sitting beside the sea for some solace.
When toxicity in relationships reaches its zenith
Happiness becomes a burden, difficult to exhibit
Like poison ivy in the garden of love
Spreading vines of doubt
The weary mind runs to seeks refuge amidst
snow clad mountains, so incredible
To steer me in the right direction
And provide a moment of reflection.
A blessing in disguise
When nature beckons me to revive
Embrace me like a mother’s womb
Illuminate the corridors
of my mind
Just like a phoenix rising from the ashes
Renewed with positivity imbued.