Obesity is a silent Killer! It’s a hard-pointed murderous knife that slits through the harmonious functioning of the body. Let’s be serious; a sugar cube disintegrating the fingers into the cup of tea/coffee is less of a saccharine aflutter to let it be stored as a fat in the body. It is sweet and sentimental, yet deleterious enough to cause the forbidding fat fief, increasing the risk of Type 2 Diabetes. The liver especially is in a disconcerting flounce picking up the excess lipid accumulation; the obese then flutter if diabetes came along as a flummery? It hedges now as a pompous miscreant; albeit raving and ranting about its antagonist treaty with Insulin. Whom to trust now; the ‘fat fortissimo’ that has played a folly or the pancreatic politicking of producing less Insulin?
Isn’t it always easy to pick someone in the crowd with a fat-frowning belly as ‘obese’? But is always ‘fat’ a direct correlation to being Obese? As per the WHO statistics, Obesity is a BMI greater than or equal to 30; you could be overweight but still not Obese. However, Obesity is a sore tooth one cannot help probing. It is directly linked to cause strokes, Type 2 Diabetes as discussed above and heart attacks. We therefore need to address the ‘overweight issue’ which is like a draining cap releasing droplets around the edge; if not wiped around the corner, it can scribble through the entire body. The many reasons to put on excessive weight are:
- Irregularity of the gut microbiota in the dietary absorption and accumulation.
- Sleep deprivation
- Nutritional economy Vs. processed food economy
- Storage of fat in different proportions between men and women
- Social fragments which make woman prone to less physical activity
- ‘Masculine identity palaver’ by men, predisposing them to eat high fat foods, red meat and alcohol.
If we allow this to carry on in perfunctory, then Obesity comes out as an untrained soldier carrying the maximum number of bullets; the animosity rising gradually to leave the body as a dilapidated ruin.
What can we do about it?
- Diversifying Agriculture, policies to help reduce the price of nutrient-rich food and thereby encourage their consumption
- Regular physical activity
- Avoid sedentary lifestyle, irregular sleep hours and concentrate on emotional well-being
- Fad diets and intermittent fasting is a depressing drab. Avoid it!
- Consume more of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts
- Regular Health check-ups for Sugar, Lipid and Blood Pressure
We all know these regulators and some follow too. However, with age, the fat accumulation takes an upswing due to declining hormones in both men and women. Complaints of arthritis and osteoporosis lead to decline in physical activity; a wise interventions of limiting food intake or assembling a diet as per your body weight helps to join the missing limb.
These crenellations would not be a rub on the wound if we start the obvious early in our life. Obesity is not a disease of an organ but an outcome of putting the organs in a tenebrous pace due to human wickedness tessellated in self-exculpating fuss. Health is important; don’t make it a lame duck!!
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